
Proposed extension for SVG

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Welcome to SuperPath Pages.

This project defines an extension for SVG content. The extension enables to define some chunk of a SVG path as reusable in other path. The extension is managed by a small piece of javascript.

The extension is useful in alot of content, specially in map content.

ATTENTION: a new attribute (data-sp-d) is now used in place of the standard d attribute

Samples and tests

We've crafted some handsome samples for you to show the extension at work.

A simple map using SuperPath

A sample with L commands

A sample with C commands

A sample with c commands

A sample with Q commands

A sample with q commands

Note: only m,M,l,L,c,C,q,Q,z commands are supported (9/2/2015)

Authors and Contributors

Project started and mainly implemented by @moissinac with advices and help from Cyril Concolato, David Dailey and Chris Lilley.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with SuperPath? Check out the documentation at and or contact @moissinac and we’ll help you sort it out.